Last week was Girl Scout Camp here on Okinawa. I'm so proud of myself for putting this huge thing together, and I can't begin to express the releif I'm feeling now that it's over. I had such a great time and I'm very glad I did it. I had many girls come up to me and tell me how much fun they had and thank me for putting camp together. That is what makes it all worth it!
We had a 4 day camp for Brownie Girl Scouts, a horse camp for Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts, an adventure camp for Junior and Cadette Girl Scouts, and a camp for Junior and Cadettes where they got to do whatever they wanted! Each session was great!
Camp was at White Beach, a Navy port-of-call and recreational area. They have cabins and campers that the girls stayed in. The staff was amazing and helped us with every request. I can't wait to go back with Carrick and rent a cabin for a weekend get-away.