
Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's New On My Camera Memory Card.

Carrick was in a Chili Cook-off for a unit competition with the Air Force. He took 2nd place! That was kinda cool!

The judges.
We took Yoshi to the "pet plunge" day at the local pool. He was not a fan. It was kind of cold.

I made this garland from dried oranges, pecans in the shell, bay leaves, and cinnamon sticks.
I saw one similar on another blog and just happened to have a bag of oranges that did not taste good. (The Commissary does not have the best selection of fruit here). I didn't want to waste them so I tried this. I think it has a country/fall vibe and it smells great.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thanks Mom!

I got this awesome table decor in the mail yesterday! The leaf and pumpkins were a gift last year. I think they go perfectly together.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

1,007 Stairs

That's how many we ascended and descended in order to see this beautiful scenery.

Carrick counted on our way out.

This is Hiji Falls.
My calves will never be the same.
On a side note: See that Mt. Dew in his hand? He makes me laugh, can't even go into the wilderness without a Mt. Dew. He's seriously addicted. When we are out of Mt. Dew at the house it is referred to as a "Dew Emergency" which is promptly followed by a trip to the store. He gets anxious when he's driving if he doesn't have a can with him.... sometimes he doesn't even open it, just holds it like his security blanket.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Three Years ago Today!

I ran off to North Carolina and got hitched in the Jacksonville Courthouse by a lady in sweatpants with a witness that I had just met 20 minutes prior! I wouldn't change any of it, and I'm amazed how I love my husband more each day.